Aquén (en construción) – Serie 2

Os cemiterios narran historias de vidas pasadas a través das súas tumbas e nichos, moitas delas olvidadas co paso do tempo. Son lugares onde a morte e a vida encóntranse nun mesmo lugar para fundirse nun recordo, moitas veces pasaxeiro. As flores vivas, como ofrendas, dan luz e cor os tapices sombríos que forman os innumerables nichos e tumbas dos camposantos, para dar paso co seu marchitar a esa paisaxe gris.

O Aquén encóntrase co Alén, un remexer de recordos, imaxes e ofrendas.

Aquén é un traballo en construción, que a través de series de fotografías captura a beleza escondida e a poética dos nosos cemiterios galegos. Estas series ordenan os patróns de beleza que a nosa mirada descubre, e que, mostradas todas xuntas no que será o noso traballo final, pretende que falen por si mesmas da extraordinaria beleza e poética espallada pola xeografía galega.

As series recollen as repeticións de imaxes, cores e formas que a nosa mirada selecciona non so por criterios de estética, senón tamén para poñer en valor o noso valioso fondo cultural que cada un destes cemiterios das nosas vilas esconde.

A primeira serie de Aquén, foi finalista no “XVIII Luis Ksado 2024” (@maruxa_portalen)

@maruxa_portalen   @pepe_portalen

Cemeteries tell stories of past lives through their graves and niches, many of them forgotten over time. They are places where death and life meet in the same space to merge into a memory, often fleeting. The living flowers, as offerings, bring light and color to the dark tapestries formed by the countless niches and tombs of the graveyards, only to give way with their withering to that gray landscape.

The Here meets the Beyond, a stirring of memories, images, and offerings.

The Here is a work in progress that captures the hidden beauty and poetry of our Galician cemeteries through series of photographs. These series organize the patterns of beauty that our gaze discovers, and when shown together in what will be our final work, they aim to speak for themselves of the extraordinary beauty and poetry spread throughout the Galician geography.

The series capture repetitions of images, colors, and forms that our gaze selects not only for aesthetic criteria but also to highlight the valuable cultural heritage hidden in each of these cemeteries in our villages.

The first series of The Here was a finalist in the “XVIII Luis Ksado 2024”. (@maruxa_portalen)

@maruxa_portalen   @pepe_portalen